تحميل كتاب فاتن pdf

تحميل كتاب فاتن pdf

الكاتب: فاطمة شرف الدين


تاريخ النشر: 10-10-2010

إنها رواية للشبان والشابات. هي قصة فاتن، فتاة قروية ذكية
وطموحة تجبَ على ترك المدرسة والانتقال إلى بيروت للعمل
كخادمة. بإرادتها القويّة ترسم مخططًا لتخرج من المأزق الذي
تجد نفسها فيه. وجود بعض الأصدقاء من حولها، ومثابرتها
على قرارها للتحرر والنهوض بنفسها إلى مستقبل أفضل،
يوصلان فاتن إلى تحقيق طموحاتها.

The story is set during the civil war in Lebanon and Faten, a 15 year old, is being transported from her village in South Lebanon to Beirut to work as a maid. She is forced to leave her school and start a new life in Beirut. She works in a home where a middle-aged couple lives with their two daughters. Her father shows up at the end of each month to collect her salary and she despises him. She falls in love with the neighbour, Marwan, who helps her get information on how to do home schooling in such a way that she accomplishes the remaining two years of her schoolwork to complete her Baccalaureate which will grant her access to university to become a nurse. Faten succeeds and ends up sharing a small apartment with her close friend, going to university, and working evening shifts at the hospital reception. Faten presents the struggle of post war and the overcoming of difficult circumstances by being persistent and pursuing one’s dream and achieving future goals.