تحميل كتاب نابوليتانا pdf

تحميل كتاب نابوليتانا pdf

الكاتب: Hilal Chouman


تاريخ النشر: 2011

ملقىً في غرفته الصغيرة تحت بقعة رطوبة لا تكبر ولا تتحرك، يستيقظ هيثم مضطرباً، شاعراً بآلام في أنحاء جسده، ناسياً ما حدث البارحة. الشاب العشريني الذي يخجل من نحول ساقيه، ويرى أحلاماً غامضة، سيتورط في علاقات غريبة، ويمشي أرصفة بيروت. سيقتفي أثر جهاد في نيويورك الذي يدوّن حياته على الانترنت، فيقرأ قصصه، ويكتب له الرسائل، ثم يملأ الفراغ في رأسه خالطاً بين الواقع والخيال.
أين هو؟ هل هو حقيقة أم افتراض؟ خارج الشاشة أم.. داخلها؟
Napolitana - CHOUMAN Hilal
Dar al-adab , Lebanon , Beirut , 2010 , 153 pages

Set in Beirut of the year 2010, Napolitana is a modern successful mix of fresh air, smartness and gravity.

“How can a girl with who I was for a long while, leave me, get married and have a child within a year?” Napolitana’s main character asks himself. Haitham is an almost depressed, unhappy, anti-hero in his late twenties, living in the confined space of his room and his computer screen.

Having come across his ex girlfriend at the landmark Napolitana pizza place on Hamra street in Beirut, with her husband and child, he is pushed further away from self confidence. It is in such circumstances, during a party, that Haitham allegedly meets Yumna, a woman in her mid forties with who he will have an affair. This affair remains a very private matter, as none of his two only friends, the couple Hani and Amal, would ever think it possible for him to go on such an adventure, let alone seduce an older and attractive woman. While a friend of Hani’s, a strange bond ties Haitham to Amal. She finds comfort in his unthreatening presence, and he is almost unknowingly attracted to her, obsessed as he is with the beauty spot on her neck. With this constellation of three women, the reality of which sometimes tends to fade away or cristallize in blurred dreams, behind windows, or in snapshots publihsed on facebook, Haitham’s universe is sealed. His life oscillates between the web, where he very attentively follows the blog of unknown young man to which he curiously relates, and these women, who sometimes seem more fantasized than real. Some sense of urgency, perhaps Haitham’s deep dissatisfaction with himself, his chicken legs and sloppy belly, his boyish harmless looks and his being invisible to the outside world, will drive him to shatter this world of his into pieces. A destruction that strangely coincides with the dissapearance of his virtual friend’s blog. In this sense, Napolitana is a novel of initiation revisited, with a bold modern fabric.

Haitham is not a loveable character, but he is extremely real, and the reader relates to him with great ease. Chouman with his exquisite and unique voice, positions himself as well as his work very clearly in post-war Lebanon. The book is an interesting balance between the implicit deep existential anguish of a thirty year old, and the futility of his personal drama. There is no tragedy here, just a subtle hint of gravity that comes with the uneasiness of growing up and will lead to an even lonelier, but perhaps also more confident, main character.

Chouman’s writing is indeed positively modern, using short, straightforward yet surprisingly poetic sentences. Integrating very naturally references to technology and English idioms into a beautifully fluent Arabic, Chouman succeeds in re-creating very accurately the atmosphere of Beirut in the year 2010, at it is lived by its youth.


وكيل نابوليتانا الأدبي
نابوليتانا على فايسبوك
نابوليتانا على التلفزيون

صفحة الرواية على موقع الكاتب

هلال شومان

من مواليد بيروت 1982. متخصص في هندسة الاتصالات ونظم اتصالات الأقمار الصناعية. إلى جانب عمله في التسويق والإعلام الرقمي، ينشر مقالاتٍ ونصوصاً غير دورية في جريدة “السفير”.

“نابوليتانا”، وهي نتاج محترف “كيف تكتب رواية” الذي تديره الروائية اللبنانية نجوى بركات، هي عمل شومان الثاني بعد “ما رواه النوم” الصادر عام 2008.

Hilal Chouman was born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1982. He works as a social media strategist in a telecom company. Hilal has published several short stories in dailies and cultural supplements, where he also occasionally contributes as a journalist.