تحميل كتاب لغة السر pdf

تحميل كتاب لغة السر pdf

الكاتب: نجوى بركات


تاريخ النشر: 2004

تعود نجوى بركات في روايتها الأخيرة لغة السر الصادرة عن دار الآداب في العام 2004 إلى منابع كل الحكايات إلى اللغة ، فتسرد عبر حبكة بوليسية معقدة ما تعرفه هي وما باحت به لها كتب التصوف من أسرار . تناول النقد الكتاب بإيجابية وهو حالياً قيد الترجمة .

يمكن قراءة الفصول الخمسة الأولى من الكتاب على هذا الرابط

Najwa Barakat’s latest novel brings us back to a theme that has always haunted Arab writers is language a system of divine signs, or is it a matter of convention, created by human beings? The author seeks to analyze the power of words and to understand speech and its potential. The book takes us into the heart of the mystical universe of a religious Brotherhood’s rules and rituals, a Brotherhood that has undertaken the task of writing a dictionary of Arabic characters, their mathematical value, their symbolic connotations and their significance as a means of mediation between men and their Creator. The hermitage where the members of this religious Brotherhood live is located near the village of al-Yousr, a quiet town turned upside down by the robbery of a precious document belonging to the Brotherhood’s. Chaos ensues. Robberies, quarrels and murders proliferate, and an investigator, an outsider to both the village and to Sufism, is dispatched to the scene of the crime.

This book, rare among Arabic novels in its thoroughly modern use of allegory, combines religious mysticism and detective-story intrigue, while the psychological dimension also plays an important role. Najwa Barakat invites a multi-layered reading of her work, reproducing with great credibility the atmosphere of past times, switching smoothly from the Sufi language to that of the detective story and modern, everyday language. Inspired by literary classics, she introduces numerous references to mystical and Sufi literature, which blend absolutely naturally into this modern novel and constitute the backbone of a captivating literary detective story of a kind rarely seen in Arabic literature.