تحميل كتاب زند هومن یسن pdf

تحميل كتاب زند هومن یسن pdf

الكاتب: Sadegh Hedayat


تاريخ النشر: 2004

Sadeq Hedayat (1903-1951) was one of the 20th century’s greatest writers. Born in Iran and educated in France, his works were influenced by the sense of alienation and self-destruction that pervaded post-WWI European literary circles. He was also known as a gifted intellectual and essayist in his native country. His interest in Persian culture led him to detest the Arabization of Iran, and so he traveled to India to live among the Parsees, Zoroastrians whose ancestors had chosen to leave Iran rather than submit to conversion to Islam. It was in India, away from Iranian government censors and political pressures, that Hedayat finished the book that is widely considered his masterpiece, “The Blind Owl.”

This collection of essays and travelogues, the title of which can be translated as “Commentary on the Vohuman Hymn,” reflects his experiences in India from 1936 until about 1941. It was written in the Zoroastrian Middle Persian and later translated into Modern Persian by the author.