تحميل كتاب التشيع والتحول في العصر الصفوي pdf

تحميل كتاب التشيع والتحول في العصر الصفوي pdf

الكاتب: Colin Turner


تاريخ النشر: 2008

There are few Muslims, once claimed the Islamic scholar Anne Marie Schimmel, for whom Islam involves the desire to attain ‘the salvific love of God’ - an assertion borne out by the contemporary Islamic emphasis on rite, ritual and, above all, the political rule of Islam. This ground-breaking and controversial work locates the antecedents of today’s Islamic ‘fundamentalism’ in 16th and 17th century Iran and the forced conversion of the Sunnite population of Iran to the largely alien doctrines of Twelver Shi’ism; the concomitant extirpation of Sufism and philosophy; and the gradual rise of the ‘faqih’ or jurist, for whom knowledge of the laws of God and of the infallible Imams was deemed more important than the knowledge and gnosis of God himself. As such, this book is a major contribution to the academic study of Twelver Shi’ism and Islam, be it in Safavid Iran or the Muslim world of the 21st century.